A Type I preliminary design noise study was conducted and a Draft Technical Noise Report prepared for the U.S. 1, Section RC1 and RC2 Project, to determine if noise abatement measures would be warranted. For abatement measures deemed to be warranted, a further analysis was performed to determine whether these measures would be feasible and reasonable according to PENNDOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) that depends on the existing land use activity. The preliminary design noise study analysis received concurrence by the FHWA in May 2013.
Section RC1 identified the need for a Noise Barrier in the vicinity of Roosevelt Cemetery. In 2013, PennDOT held a Noise Barrier specific meeting with the affected property. The meeting was held to share the results of the final design noise analysis, indicate proposed locations of sound barriers, and to gather the preference for having the barriers built and the preferred finish on the community side of the barriers.
Representatives of PennDOT and their design team held a meeting with impacted and benefited homeowners of the Old Lincoln Highway neighborhood within the RC2 project corridor, on October 3, 2018, to discuss preliminary noise analysis findings and the preliminary proposed noise barrier. The team discussed mitigation measures associated with constructing a sound barrier near residences and options for lower noise levels adjacent to S.R. 0001 Southbound. The team requested the input of the applicable property owners using a Noise Barrier Preference Survey form. Community members submitted their completed Noise Barrier Preference Survey forms, and the tallied votes show support for the construction of the noise barrier.